Michaelmas 2024 • Connecting the Earth with the Heavens • 2024

“If people could take the initiative to establish a Michael Festival worthy of the name, during the last days of September, this would be a most significant deed. But they would have to find the courage within themselves not merely to discuss such things as external social reforms, but to do something that connects the earth with the heavens, that re-connects physical with spiritual conditions. If the spirit was led down once more into earthly conditions, this would give humanity a might impetus and impulse for the continuation of life and civilization. “

Rudolf Steiner, “Festivals and Their Meaning”.


Michaelmas is fast upon us! We live in a world in which the Adversary has penetrated and permeated the human being and all of life with subtle and not-so-subtle deadening forces. We can observe the denial of the Spirit in education, medicine, art and the whole of human culture, put forth mightily through the media. The “battle” at hand is for the Human Being, the TRUE human being. 

This new Festival of Michael comes as a “rescue” to us in a time of turmoil. The Michael power is the ability to rise to the point at which thoughts of the Spirit can grip us as powerfully as anything in the physical world.

Nobody wants the world to be the way it is right now. Every single person could articulate the many problems facing us today. But few could offer good solutions. That is because our thinking is merely materialistic and not Spiritually enlightened. The receptive part of us is asleep. Rudolf Steiner tells us that two obstacles must be overcome: “Fear of the Spiritual World and Paralysis of the Will.” 

When our hearts burn for a new world, we can become “socially creative” together. We can reach up our hands to Michael and He will reach down to meet us. Then our thoughts will become living light, radiating from the heart. We will need Courage to attempt a Michael Festival which invites everyone who attends to take a risk, to become creative, to be willing to be moved inwardly!



Wednesdays, Oct 2, Oct 30, & Nov 6 at 7:00 pm

What's Behind Waldorf Education? 

A Three-part Series for parents and teachers who would like to know more about the spiritual background of Waldorf Education: Body, Soul, and Spirit, Thinking, Feeling, Willing, Guardian Angels, Imagination, The Spirit in Everything, Living Thinking.  All are welcome.  Donations accepted.

The series will be lead by Rev. Carol Kelly, a former Class Teacher and Adult Education Teacher at Antioch Teacher Training. She brings years of experience, with teaching and with Anthroposophy, to these talks. 

These talks are an extension of our Parent Support Group efforts which started earlier this year.

Saturday, October 5th, 10:00 am- 3:00 pm
Fall Clean up Day

Join Us! For a community-building event.  Plenty of tasks for young and old. Soup and bread will be served for lunch.

Sunday, October 6, 12:00 pM

The Festival that Changes Everything”

A talk by Rev. Carol Kelly

Sunday, October 6, 5:30 pm
Confirmation Classes Begin

for 7th and 8th graders. Potluck, singing, class followed by a Close of Day Vesper Service at 7:30 pm to which all parents are invited.
Please register with Rev. Carol Kelly or Rev. Robert Bower.
Classes will continue every other week.

Saturday, Oct 19, 12:00PM EST

Sacred Undertaking: Caring for our loved ones at death

A free ZOOM workshop offered by Ann Elizabeth Barnes
Please join us as we explore the art of caring for ourselves and our loved ones at the time of death. Birth and death—two of life's greatest threshold moments are often hijacked by modern-day methods. This session, Sacred Undertaking, guides you through the steps to reclaim the sacredness of the death process, so family members can create a meaningful experience as they help their loved one cross over, whether at home or in a care facility. 

October 20–25th • Priests will be away

at the Synod in Sacramento. NO Weekday Services.

Dear Friends,
I am going to start another online series of drawing with the Gospel of John. Wednesdays, October 30 – May 7 at 1pm EST

Last time people had very profound experiences and we had 70 participants. It's on a sliding scale that starts at $0, so finances should not be a barrier. — LAURA SUMMER
email to sign-up: laurasummer@taconic.net

Here is a short video about the Gospel work: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d989vaisheo



Saturday, Nov 2, 10:30 am
All Souls Celebration

Following The Consecration of the Human Being. There will be a short break after the Service. Then we will have an All Souls Gathering.

Sunday, Nov 3, 2024, 2:00am • 
Clocks Fall Back

Sacred Undertaking Training

Saturday, Nov 9, 11aM–4:00pm

Join Sacred Undertaking for a training in the ancient art of caring for your loved one at home at death and after. Includes: Overview of advance directives, care of the body after death, setting up the vigil, finding options for green burial, and working with the Funeral Home.

The focus is on learning how to create a meaningful experience at the time of a loved one’s death, how to keep one’s loved one at home, and invite simplicity and sacredness to permeate this time of transition.

$75 per person. Limited to 10 people, reserve your space in advance. Call (413) 429-6561 or email: annelizbarnes@gmail.com

Presented by Sacred Undertaking—a Family Partnership in the Red Building at the Christian Community • 10 Green River Lane, Hillsdale NY 12529 ¼ mi. over MA border on the left


Sunday, November, 17th, 12:00 pm

Aurica Mundi Fall Concert

Sunday, November 24th, 12:00 pm

“Woe to us, We scribes, We Pharisees…”
A talk by Rev. Robert Bower

Sunday, December 1st.